I was worried and search the mail then noticed that Outlook emails automatically going to Deleted Items folder. Some days ago, I found that whenever someone sends me an email, I didn’t get it in my inbox. “I am using Outlook 2016 for mailing purpose. Let us take an example of a user query which helps to understand the problem clearly.
Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the reasons behind why Outlook 2016 automatically deleting emails from Inbox and their solutions. Despite having a huge set of outstanding features, it has some demerits like emails being deleted automatically in Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2013 / 2010.
As a result, Outlook 2016 has been a worthy successor to its previous Outlook versions. With rising technology and demands, Microsoft has improved their functionality to make the user interface more clear and precise for the users. Ashwani Tiwari | Modified: T09:41:52+00:00 | Email Recovery|